
A special Valentine's Day treat!

This morning when I woke up, I was struggling to figure out how to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my larger tribe. I have been thinking on this for months, but honestly perfectionism got the best of me. Yet the celebration and the self compassion that I was looking for was waiting for me at just the right time!

One of my mentors, Stasia Savasuk, sent this out this morning and it feels like the perfect way to share Valentine’s Day with all of my people. And if you are reading this right now and WANT to be one of my people, please include yourself!

Stasia says:

Instead of waiting around for someone to LOVE YOU ENOUGH today, I invite you to FEEL THE LOVE that's already alive inside of you.

And when I say "feel the love," I really mean FEEL THE LOVE. As in, WHERE do you feel the love inside your body? What does it FEEL LIKE? How does FEELING THE LOVE make you feel?

I'm not gonna leave you to your imagination here. I'm going to WALK YOU THROUGH exactly how to do this.

I know you're busy. But today of ALL THE DAYS, you are worthy of the 6 minutes it's gonna take to watch this video, and fill yourself with love, from the inside out.

LOVE is a resource you have inside of you. Something you can draw up anytime you need it. 

I know you know how to do that. Because if you're anything like me (human!), you can draw up the most dramatic worst-case-scenerios in the world like it's your full time job––and FEEL THEM for days! 

Same mechanism. You're just drawing up a GOOD MEMORY, not a shitty one. 

After you watch the video, if you’re willing, share what memory came to mind for you!

Then follow Stasia on Instagram or sign up for her email list on her website.

(Email shared with Stasia’s permission.)