3 Strategies for Handling Challenges with Family Members Over the Holidays
The holidays can be a challenging time for many people. We often find ourselves in challenging situations, and we may not know how to handle them. For example:
We may find ourselves dealing with family members with differing political views and need to find other things to talk about
We may have a family member who has been critical in the past, and we need to have a plan for how to handle it
We may need help from our partner — whether that means help with the children, help to clean the house or cook in preparation for guests, etc.
Maybe we have differing views about gift giving, and we need strategies to talk about it
Maybe we just want help with the dishes after the party is over rather than feeling resentful
In this webinar we are going to look at 3 strategies that we can use to handle these types of challenges (recorded), with Q&A afterwards (not recorded). If you have specific challenges that you want to discuss, you can email them to me ahead of time at lara@little-elf.org.