
When we are contemptuous, we make ourselves feel superior to the person we are with. We use insults or name-calling. We use sarcasm. We are cynical. We use mockery and hostile humor. Our body language may include sneering or rolling our eyes.

Contempt is the most destructive of the four horsemen.  

The antidote to contemptuousness is to create a culture of appreciation.  (Note that we talked about this during the 5:1 ratio challenge.)


Defensiveness means that we are denying any responsibility for the problem. We often use negative body language.  We believe that the problem is all our partner's fault (or our child's fault, etc.)  When we feel defensive, we respond to a complaint with another complaint. We whine. We feel attacked.  

The antidote to defensiveness is to accept some responsibility for our part of the problem.


Our first goal is to recognize when we are being critical.  Criticism is defined as attacking the character of a person.  It involves suggesting that the problem is related to a defect in the other person's character.  It often involves phrases such as "you always" or "you never."  The antidote to criticism is to complain about behavior without attacking the person.  We do this by practicing a gentle start-up.  When we feel attacked, we take a break to calm down before bringing up the issue.  When we are calm, we can think more clearly and express the problem in terms like "When you [state the problem behavior], I feel [hurt, upset, frustrated, overwhelmed, etc.]. I need..."

Welcome to the January Team Challenge

In order to create a home where children can learn and thrive, we are focusing this month on building a strong parenting team.  There are many aspects to what it means to be a good team player.  But for now:

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to identify when Dr. Gottman's "four horsemen" (criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling) are happening in your family, and to use their antidotes to defeat them.  

To get started, check out our January newsletter.

Then watch this video from the Gottman Institute.

Lastly, this video of Dr. Gottman's appearance on Anderson gives some great examples of the Four Horsemen from his love lab

Play challenge personal update

Some more ways that I am experimenting with play:  

  • Wearing a scarf to visit families so that I can play peekaboo with the babies and toddlers  
  • Light saber battles with wrapping paper tubes
  • Making a race car out of a cardboard box with the nephews
  • Extra walks and time on the elliptical
  • Finished Stuart Brown's book Play, and now I'm starting to read The Gift of Play: Why Adult Women Stop Playing And How To Start Again. by Brannen, Barbara
  • I'm exploring the things that I've enjoyed doing in the past. I'm learning that I enjoy physical play, and generally I enjoy getting outdoors.  I miss ice skating on a pond in the wintertime. I miss walks through the creeks of western New York. I enjoy walking on local trails, such as the Los Gatos Creek Trail.  I'm planning some dates with my hubby to go dancing.  
  • Getting face-to-face with the babies and toddlers that I work with, observing them and enjoying their sweet smiles.
  • I enjoy playing with the props that I use to emphasize a point when I am teaching or speaking. For example, I love to bring funny glasses to use to help us to look through someone else's point of view. I love to bring brain stress balls to teach about calming down first before trying to problem-solve. I love to use bubbles to teach babies (and adults) to calm and control their breath.  

The role of play in development

Play builds strong bodies and strong minds.  Because play allows children to practice situations before they get to them, play relieves stress and provides an opportunity for children to work out their fears.  Through careful observation and allowing the child to direct their own play, adults are given an opportunity to understand children better.  When I became a parent, I remember being surprised to find that there was a purpose for toys that went beyond just having fun!  It was very interesting for me to find out how much kids learn from toys, even from a very young age.  They can learn cause and effect, reaching, grasping, a desire for mobility when they see something out of reach that they want - just to name a few.

Play begins at infancy through simple, solitary observation of the world.  As the child’s cognitive and motor skills improve, he is able to interact more and more with both the objects and the people in his environment.  

In the next stage of play, children begin playing independently.  As Piaget says, they become “little scientists” and explore the world by learning cause and effect relationships.  For example, they might drop a plate over and over again to see what happens - both the sound and movement that the plate makes as it hits the floor and also the caregiver’s reaction.  

As children’s cognitive, social, and language skills improve, children first start to notice what other children are doing, and then they move into what is called “parallel play.”  This means that the children are playing independently but next to each other.  In this stage, they also start noticing other children (and adults) around them, observing them, and imitating their behavior.

Finally, children arrive at a stage where their play becomes more interactive.  As their cognitive skills improve, children learn mental representation, which allows them to begin to pretend.  First they participate in associative play by borrowing, lending, sharing, etc.  They can also start to play cooperative or organized play such as games and shared goals (Cook et al., 2008).